キーワード computation, geometrical structure of sentence, human natural language, natural law 講 義 概 要 Mother Nature created the human brain. The human brain produces a natural language as your mother language. Grammar rules are natural laws. Studying the laws and mechanis ms of the human natural language computation is studying natural laws. This class stu dies the information processing system (the computational system of human natural lan guage (CHL)) that is created by Mother Nature. The examples that we use in this class are your mother languages. The class will be held in English. 到 達 目 標 The goal is to understand why human language study is a search for natural laws. We a lso challenge various commonsense dogmas about language. 授 業 計 画 第1回:Introduction | Grammar study as an empirical science and human brain research | Read the syllabus and the introductory part of the textbook | 第2回:Arguments against various dogmas regarding human natural language | 第3回:The three factors of language design; why humans lie; linguistic features; MER | GE (the fundamental operation in CHL) | 第4回:The basic property of human natural language | 第5回:The principle of minimal computation (MC), i.e., a natural (physical) law; how | MC works in CHL | 第6回:A hypothesis that the human natural language system is a virus-checking system | 第7回:Linguistic virus-elimination algorithms is similar to the Gaussian elimination | in mathematics | 第8回:How CHL and sensorimotor (SM; sound) system obey the law of inertia, which is | a natural (physical) law (Newton's first law). | 第9回:Continue to see how CHL and SM obey the law of inertia, which is a natural (ph | ysical) law (Newton's first law); the Lyman's law, which states that SM perfor | ms cost calculation. | 第10回:Review the linguistic virus-elimination algorithms; prove the existence of ge | ometries of direct passive in Japanese and Hindi, and indirect passive in Japa | nese and English (get-passive). | 第11回:Another kind of MC working in CHL, i.e., the relativized minimality principle | . We will see an interesting phenomena as wanna-contraction for example. | 第12回:How MC works in complex-wh sentences; prove the existence of direct/indirect | interrogatives in English and Japanese. | 第13回:Evidence that finite tense (T) contains virus buster [NOM], and that v-V syst | em contain virus buster [ACC]; a more accurate geometry of complex wh-questio | ns; how Fibonacci sequence appears in CHL. | 第14回:How the commutative law and associative law are relevant to the computation o | f human natural language; how graph theory teaches us something about grammat | icality. | 第15回:Review, Q & A, discussion |
評 価 方 法 その他:100% (1) Attend the class regularly and participate in the discussion. (2) Select any class topic that interests you. Create a PowerPoint material (in Eng lish) for the final 5 min presentations. The PowerPoint presentation must be divided into two parts: (A) A summary of the class content of your interest (2 pages). (B) Your opinion on (A) and new content ideas (3 pages); include a self-drawn illus tration that expresses your idea. 授業の方法 対面 『講義』『実習』『プレゼンテーション』『実務経験のある教員による授業①』(Has work experience in teaching Japanese as a second language) オフィスアワー M-Portクラスプロファイル内[授業Q&A]より質問してください。 参 考 書 Chomsky, Noam. 1995. The minimalist program. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. Jenkins, L. 2000. Biolinguistics: Exploring Biology of Language. Cambridge Universi ty Press. Piattelli-Palmarini, Massimo & Juan Uriagereka. 2004. The immune syntax: The evolut ion of the language virus. In Lyle Jenkins (ed.). Variation and Universals in Bioling uistics, 341–377. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 備 考 Review the materials that we cover in each class. |