講 義 概 要 After studying Japanese to the extent that one is able to communicate with Japanese people (such as students and teachers), the next step is to take on the challenge of learning Japanese that can be used in working society. This is an introductory level class designed to help you acquire communication skills that can be used in various ‘business scenes’ you may encounter in getting a job at a Japanese company, working with Japanese bosses and colleagues, or in dealing with Japanese companies based on the merit of your study abroad experience as an employee of a company in your home country.
★IMPORTANT★ In order to enroll in this course, you must be enrolled in a LEVEL 5 or higher class in Kansai University’s Japanese Language Skill Up Unit course, OR have JLPT N2, or CFER B2 certifications.
★ If you do not have the relevant qualifications, please consult with the course instructor. 到 達 目 標 1 To understand the similarities and differences between the academic Japanese that you have learned so far, and business Japanese. To apply that understanding as necessary, and to be able to use each kind of Japanese properly depending on the situation. 2 Experience various aspects of and learn about the kinds of Japanese communication expected of working individuals. 3 Collaborate in teams and acquire the skills necessary for working on projects. 4 Develop the ability to understand different cultures through exchanges and joint activities with team members with different cultural backgrounds. 授業手法 / Teaching Methods ・教員による資料等を用いた説明や課題等へのフィードバック ・学生による学習のふりかえり ・学生同士の意見交換(グループ・ペアワーク、ディスカッション、ディベート等含む) 授 業 計 画 Week 1: Orientation & understanding your abilities | Week 2: Self-introductions and exchanging business cards | Week 3: Checking and confirmation / Acting as an intermediary | Week 4: Checking and confirmation / Rephrasing questions | Week 5: Sharing information and awareness / Explanations | Week 6: Correcting errors made by yourself and others | Week 7: Giving opinions / Making suggestions | Week 8: Comprehending the meaning of legal and company documents | Week 9: Getting information | Week 10: Data Interpretation and summarization / Comprehending trends | Week 11: Contacting and replying via email | Week 12: Making appointments | Week 13: Creating a good atmosphere for negotiation (small talk) | Week 14: Picking up on the meaning and intention of the other person’s words | Week 15: Final Examination and Summary | ★ We may have guest speakers (business people). | ★ This schedule may be subject to change due to student needs or circumstances. | 授業時間外学習 / Expected work outside of class | Students are expected to review class materials outside of class. In order for assignments to be completed on the class date, students will have to work outside of class. |
評 価 方 法 定期試験を行わず、平常試験(小テスト・レポート等)で総合評価する。 Participation and performance in the class (50%) Assignments (both in class and homework)(30%) Final Examination (20%) 基準・評価 / Evaluation Criteria・Assessment Policy Students are expected to attend regularly, actively participate in class with meaningful contributions, show good performance in group works. There is a strict attendance policy and anyone who is late more than 20 minutes will be marked absent. And if attendance is unsatisfactory, a failing grade may be given. Students must notify the teacher in advance regarding absences, giving justification. 授業の方法 対面 日本語(Japanese) オフィスアワー ・E-mail: furukawa@kansai-u.ac.jp Expect a response from me within 24 hours. If I am online at the time you email me, I’ll get back to you sooner. ・On-campus office: Division of International Affairs(2nd floor, Bldg.1, Area2) 教 科 書 池田佳子・古川智樹 それ、知りたかった!カイシャの日本語 ~マンガで学ぶビジネススキル&ボキャブラリー~ 公益財団法人 日本漢字能力検定協会 978-4-89096-485-7 Students will be provided with learning materials and original handouts throughout the course from the instructor. 参 考 書 The instructor will introduce the materials(books) during class. 備 考 Oral/Text feedback will be provided directly to the students in the class or through KU-LMS. Please be aware that if you are absent from this class extremely often out of the 15 meeting times, you may not be able to pass, even if you have submitted assignments. Please contact the instructor about prior confirmation and communication. In principle, all communications will be conducted via email (Kansai University LMS). |