講 義 概 要 In this course, students will learn about the culture and society of countries in ASEAN (Association of South‐East Asian Nations) Region. Students will work in groups, with each group choosing one of the ten countries to study in more details.
Areas of study may range across a number of dimensions, including history, ethnic demography, gender roles, societal changes in the contemporary area, relationship with Japan, youth culture, social welfare, education system, and social issues specific to the country. Each group will share the results of their investigations with other group members.
The course will feature (i) guest speakers who are from the ASEAN countries during the semester, and (ii) virtual communication with the peers in these countries with the use of ICT tools specifically COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning).
また、COIL(Collaborative Online International Learning)というICTツールを用いて、ASEAN諸国の仲間とのバーチャルなコミュニケーションも行います。
授業は全て英語で行われます。履修する学生は以下の語学力(相当)を必要とします: GTEC 180以上260未満 TOEFL ITP 430以上505未満 TOEFL iBT 40以上60未満 TOEIC 375以上580未満 IELTS 4.5 英検準2級および2級 CEFR A2-B1 This class may adopt COIL practice (Collaborative Online International Learning), in which students will connect online with overseas students to work collaboratively to complete a project. COIL aims to provide learning opportunities for the students to gain desirable employability qualities, such as intercultural competency, digital literacy, leadership skills, etc.*For more information about COIL for this course, please directly contact the instructor or ask them at the first class.
本科目は「COIL(Collaborative Online International Learning:海外との協働学習)」を取り入れる場合があります。COILでは海外の学生とオンラインで繋がり、チームプロジェクト等を通して協働学習を行います。COILを実践することで、異文化理解力、デジタルリテラシー、リーダーシップ力等これからのグローバル人材が必要とされる能力の向上を目的としています。※COILを実施するかどうかは、担当講師に直接問い合わせるか、授業初日に確認してください。 到 達 目 標 Through collaborative research work, students will gain knowledge about the countries in South-East Asia in addition to developing effective communication skills in English (as a foreign language). 授業手法 / Teaching Methods ・教員による資料等を用いた説明や課題等へのフィードバック ・学生による学習のふりかえり ・学生同士の意見交換(グループ・ペアワーク、ディスカッション、ディベート等含む) ・プレゼンテーション(スピーチ、模擬授業等含む) ・COIL 授 業 計 画 *The content of the course may be altered according to the individual instructor's discretion to suite the needs of the class. | | WEEK 1 Orientation | WEEK 2 Country Focus: Malaysia / Indonesia | WEEK 3 Country Focus: Singapore / Philippines | WEEK 4 Review | WEEK 5 Country Focus: Thailand / Myanmar | WEEK 6 Country Focus: Laos/ Cambodia | WEEK 7 Review | WEEK 8 Country Focus: Vietnam / Brunei | WEEK 9 Midterm Examination +Feedback | WEEK 10 Tentative: Research Day | WEEK 11 Country Focus : Timor Leste | WEEK 12 COIL Program with International Students | WEEK 13 ASEAN: The Regional Group | WEEK 14 Free Topic: Students` Choice | WEEK 15 Free Topic: Students` Choice | Choices: Economy, Education, Pop Culture, Globalization | 授業時間外学習 / Expected work outside of class | There will be team projects which require the students to work outside of the class hours. Students are required to create a Gmail account (or any email account) to use google classroom and google drive. Facebook account (not personal account) is also needed for the COIL activity. |
評 価 方 法 定期試験を行わず、平常試験(小テスト・レポート等)で総合評価する。 GRADING SYSTEM Attendance / Participation 30% Midterm Examination 30% COIL Activity 20% Presentation / Quizzes 20%
基準・評価 / Evaluation Criteria・Assessment Policy Students will be required to have a presentation about a South-East Asian country covered in class over the course of the semester. Each student must give a brief oral presentation (15-20 minutes) in class on the date for which he/she signs up. The topic must be related to the topic listed on the syllabus on the date of the presentation. 授業の方法 対面 授業種別 / Teaching Types 講義(対面) 言語 / Language 英語(English) オフィスアワー contact instructor via KU-LMS email system. 教 科 書 Readings will be distributed in class. They can also be found in the google drive. 参 考 書 TBA in Class 備 考 Everyone must attend the first day of class. Attendance counts from the first day. |